Sitemap - 2023 - Product Leadership Nudges

2024: the year when product grew up?

How do I plan for AI in my org, when we've never done it?

The accuracy trap

The ROI of product discovery: expected value

Be relentlessly equanimous

Generative AI: mission vs method

Value contribution: strategy vs execution

"Should I develop our product strategy or vision first?"

Template detox?

Directional data vs statistical significance

There is no leadership on your org chart

What do leaders do?

Customer listening vs discovery interviews

Do your user interviews feel like Groundhog Day?

Discount your optimism

"Can I be honest?"

Be a bloodhound for ambiguity

Three steps to choose a next product outcome

Should you have won that hand?

Baseline questions to turn over the quarter

What is needed to begin a transformation?

Managing up, better: mindset

When are users "right"?

Are you measuring the ultimate impact on your customer?

Where to focus first: strengths vs weaknesses

Vacation reading

Quant vs qual research: which tool when?

Conflict is not the problem

Are your meetings mired in short-term thinking?

"Why do I avoid conflict?"

How important is psychological safety to performance?

Psych safety is not the goal

Build your own compass

What is psychological safety?

Exploration: the conflict series

Do you really need statistical significance on that test?

Stay buoyant

Adjust prototypes to the risks at hand

"We aren't moving fast enough"

How do you deal with that person?

Where does JTBD fit into strategy and vision?

Making cake > eating cake

Don't critique without context

What's the process to develop a vision?

Does strategy matter before product-market fit?

The job you want will never reach the Internet

Psychology: Trick or truth?

Autonomy, stress, and health

How to get mental space and close out the week

Does money motivate people?

Ethical behavior change

Outcomes and behavior change

What is a product?

The core components of setting direction

What makes a work experience fulfilling?

What is intuition?

No 7s

Are you data driven, or data informed?

OKRs: empowerment and a template

Why every product manager should write in Markdown

Teams are accountable to outcomes. What about product leaders?

A product strategy acid test

Should leaders be prescriptive about strategy?

Clarity compounds

"Less, but better"

The hard part of being early

Are they Jordan, or Messi?

How do you get all the brains working on the same goal?

Every day is game day. When do we practice?

How integrated is your leadership stack?

Product strategy: focus vs prioritization

Why can't you let go?

Sunk costs won't sink you

Start a work decision journal

Should you quit?

Stop sheltering your developers

How do you build trust when things go wrong?

What is "strategy"?

What is value?

"We need more resources!"

About that "table stakes" feature...

A simple way to improve async product feedback in distributed teams

The product team empowerment spectrum

Tweaking stoplights presumes psych safety

Tweaking stoplights

Exploring the "expiring veto"

Sharing intent vs asking permission

Make your strategy come alive, and stay alive

Burnout as a strategy problem

How do non-product execs contribute to the product without being controlling?

Leaders shouldn't prescribe solutions. What should they do instead?

What is trust?

How do stakeholders extend trust in PM:stakeholder collaboration?

How do stakeholders earn trust in PM:stakeholder collaboration?

How do PMs extend trust in stakeholder collaboration?

How do PMs earn trust in stakeholder collaboration?

What is "empowerment," anyway?

Leadership is not financial engineering

Why "the rest of the iceberg" ?

Do OKRs create empowered teams, or do empowered teams create OKRs?